Youth Arts Centre members have been invited to take part in the  14th Future of Europe International Children and Youth Festival in Kecskemet, Hungary in July. The Contemporary Drama group led by Colette Hughes have been preparing a piece of Theatre without Words to be performed in the city  in front of  2000 young people from 30 countries and of course the city population as well.
“This is a tremendous event and real honour to be invited” said Head of Youth Arts Fiona Helleur. “The group has been working on a way to present a piece of Manx culture to a huge audience in four locations in a beautiful city without using any form of verbal language. Colette was asked to  work with the group to create a piece of theatre  lasting around 15 minutes that could be understood by all nations, all languages and performed in a theatre, a tent, the town square and also in a field as part of the week long celebration of youth and culture. It’s quite a challenge and the group are enjoying finding ways to communicate without words.”
The group will be travelling to Hungary taking with them a Manx Flag, banners and emblems for the opening and closing ceremonies and take part in the opportunity to introduce the Isle of Man  to the Festival where they will be the only  English speaking group participating.
“The YAC is proud of its association with other countries and this, we hope, will be the first of many trips to partner youth organisations around Europe.”