What we do

The Youth Arts Centre provides high quality arts activities, development and support for young people. Activities for 8– 18 year olds take place year round and include regular weekly classes, one-off workshops and long-term projects. There are no stars, no auditions and everyone is welcome no matter what their ability or interest. We are about fun and friendship.

Young people can try new activities, develop their skills in a particular art form and socialise in a welcoming and friendly environment. Resident youth workers and professional artists run these activities, passing on their skills and experience in order to assist young people to create high quality work over 22 sessions of art, music, singing, dancing, acting, technical and holiday projects gaining qualifications, experience and so much more.

We give young people the opportunity to:

  • Develop their creative expression by experimenting and trying new activities
  • Participate in performance through theatre, dance and music
  • Experience the arts from other cultures
  • Have fun and enjoy a range of arts activities
  • Experience exchange trips with other youth theatres
  • Make friends and enjoy themselves in a safe friendly and creative environment

You can share in what we have be it costumes, props, use of our facilities and experience.

We are here to help the youth and community of the island in anyway we can. We can make props and costumes for your shows or performances, we can assist in staging your event from an art exhibition, a catwalk show to a full theatre performance; we have young people willing to demonstrate their skills and show you what they can do. All we ask is that expenses be covered and a donation to the Youth Arts Charity.