Giving to Youth Arts

We have achieved a lot since opening in 2010 – and have plans for our future. Philanthropy is always hard to achieve particularly when we can be lazily called ‘a Government project’. We aren’t. The Government pays the rent and some salaries and helped us to get started over 5 years ago but we are expected to  stand on our own feet and raise our funds for our many and varied projects.

Aside from this, there is the romance. The Isle of Man School of Art was where Archibald Knox taught art. We want to make better use of the old Art School space, currently cold and underused. We want to make it the most versatile arts space on the island and a training theatre to boot.

Recognition for donating is a personal choice. Some donors may wish to remain anonymous; some would like recognition of their generosity.

If you wander round the Youth Arts Centre building today, you’ll find thank you plaques on doors leading to a variety of rooms and on the main wooden staircases.

Taking this experience as a guide, we’ve decided to launch this appeal along the same lines.

Naming the theatre

Naming the building would be the highest form of recognition. The sky’s the limit for that one, so we’ve decided to keep quiet about the sum and hope for the best.

Other possibilities

On a more modest, but essential level, here are some ways in which your donation could be recognised:

  •  Seat in the new performance space £200 (individual brass name plate on seat backs)
  • Donations Staircase (individual brass name plate on the central staircase)
  • Standard plate (larger than a seat plate) £300
  • Medium plate (could acknowledge two names) £500
  • Large plate (could acknowledge four names) £1,000
  • Naming a studio £20,000 – £50,000 (donation varies with room size)

How can I donate?

To make a gift, please contact:

Martin Katz
Youth Arts
11 Hope Street

Or, if you have any questions, just ring Martin on 01624 658400 or send him an e-mail at:

Cheques should be made payable to Youth-Arts