Before we launched Youth Arts, Fiona asked YAC members, past and present to put down a few words for her explaining what their involvement in Youth Arts had meant to them. We call them ‘Yaccolades’

Some might have expected a stunning silence from the ‘lazy’ youth of today….not a bit of it, Fiona was deluged with more than 100 replies.

There is no better illustration of just how valuable the work at the YAC is and why it deserves our wholehearted support

Richard (22) Member 2003 – 2011 – Amateur Actor

The YAC made me the confident person I am today, and also it’s why I have still enjoyed theatre till present. It was a place for young students to go and have fun instead of being in the street, most of my friends now are people I met through the youth theatre and the YAC 🙂 x

Kate BA (Hons) Member 2001 – 2006 Actress

I was a “weird kid” – Never quite sure where I was supposed to fit in. Without NYT, MNYT and Youth Arts I genuinely don’t know where I’d be today! Even on the basic level it taught me SO much Eg: English, knowledge, history, social skills, responsibility, fortitude, practicality, punctuality, musicality, giving, sharing, assessment, calm under pressure, fiscal/spatial/Universal awareness, How to change a lightbulb and wire a plug and maybe, most importantly LEARNING can be FUN. (Apparently so are lists!)
To take all this, away from the kids who can’t afford private lessons, feels like a great injustice. Please be awesome

J-P (23) BA (Hons), Theatre Technician.

If it wasn’t for the Manx National Youth Theatre I would probably be working a job that I hate instead it gave me the confidence to apply to university. I have just completed a BA Hons in Technical Theatre in two years and am now a freelance Production Electrician living and working in London. I would like to say that without the help of them I would not be where I am today.

Aalish (19) Member 2009 – 2011

The YAC gave me the opportunity to meet new people after being at a time in my life where I was going down the wrong path mainly due to who I was associating myself with. It gave me the opportunity to go away and see the quality of talent offered in England after doing 2 trips across with them. One of which was for the Shakespeare festival. This put me in good stead for what I eventually ended up doing, a law course, it benefited me by giving me confidence to use a language I wasn’t familiar with and the confidence to stand in front of people and speak. Both traits being essential to my course. The other trip was to Burnley Arts festival. The main lesson I learnt from this was that camping in October/November is a really stupid idea. Not only did it help me but it helped a lot of people as it tended to be a place where those who didn’t really fit in elsewhere would find something they were needed for and someone they had something in common with. It became a community for those who felt like outcasts.

Becca (16) Member 2011 – present

Being at the YAC in the show Footloose has given me confidence, great friends, an amazing partner and the best memories Before my audition I was unsure of myself and my abilities and after getting a part in Footloose it gave me the skills and confidence I needed to believe in myself and gain a real interest in the arts
After a great show with a very talented cast and crew I have gained incredible memories and learnt a lot along the way (like playing ninja back stage is a great way to calm the nerves) Thank you to everyone at the YAC and everyone involved in the production of footloose as you have all changed my life forever x

Read more Yaccolades…