Youth Arts

We are a new Isle of Man charity with two objectives…

(1) To support the personal development of people of the Isle of Man through arts and culture.
(2) To promote and support art and culture for the benefit of all people of the Isle of Man.

Some of us are ‘arty’ types who likes to get involved others of us just enjoy music, art or theatre, either way we believe art and culture is good for the Island and improves the quality of our society and our aim is to support it however we can.

While we have a clear focus on youngsters and a particular emphasis on supporting the excellent and important work already carried by the dedicated staff at the Youth Arts Centre, our objects are not limited to this.

If you have an artistic or cultural project that you think will benefit the people of the Isle of Man and it needs help with funding to get it off the ground then please reach out to us and ask.

We have limited resources so we can’t always help but we’ll be pleased to hear from you and do whatever we can to assist you.