The Youth Arts Centre

… is a venue and meeting place for young people where regular arts based sessions and workshops for young performers, musicians, artists and writers aged 8-18 years happen through out term time with special projects occurring during school holidays.

It is …

…is funded by the Department of Education and Youth and Community Service, one of 30 youth centres throughout the island including Ard Whallin Outdoor Adventure Centre and the Cafe Laare at Douglas Bus Station. The DEC covers staffing, most of the utilities, rent and insurances and the Centre has to raise its own funds for any equipment or activities.

… has a sessional fee of £2.00 which is paid into the club account and, with the agreement of th e Youth Management Committee, membership and staff, is used to buy whatever they need.

… has been providing opportunities for youth in dance, music, and drama since 2009, expanding to include holiday programs and youth exchange schemes with similar organisations. Past productions include Camp Rock, Rent, Fame, Footloose, Alice in Wonderland, The Frog Prince, Jungle Book, A Midsummer Nights Dream, Much Ado About Clubbing, Back to the 80’s and many more.

… is a member of the National Association of Youth Theatres and participates in The RSC’s Schools Shakespeare Festival and the National Theatre’s Connections program.

… is dedicated to bringing youth and mentors together in the performing arts.

…serves as a unifying resource for teaching, learning and creating opportunities for youth in the arts.

… is a registered charity that provides quality opportunities for young people to enrich their lives through participation in music, creative movement, dramatic and visual arts.


In addition to offering activities the Centre can be used by external groups and individuals to develop a particular interest.
Other events, classes, and workshops have been produced including Yactravaganza, Because We’re Fabulous, YAC Got Talent and after-school performing arts classes with visiting professionals, audition workshops, technical theatre training and more.